Podcasts de Política, economía y opinión


Radioactividad es un podcast dedicado a la crisis energética y de recursos, el medioambiente, la geopolítica y los efectos de las nuevas tecnologías en la sociedad.

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Patricia Navarro

El objetivo de este programa es hablar del sistema tributario español, de la fiscalidad, de los tributos algo que nos afecta absolutamente a todos. A lo largo de estos programas vamos a analizar y resolver ...

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Tarjeta azul jfernandez
en jfernandez

Tarjeta azul

El eurodiputado socialista Jonás Fernández busca con este espacio de escucha y diálogo acercar un poquito más los debates europeos a España y ayudar a trasladar a Europa problemas de los ciudadanos y ciudadanas, ...

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Harvard Kennedy School PolicyCast

Our hosts speak with leading experts in public policy, media, and international affairs about their experiences confronting the world's most pressing public problems.

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TSF - Conselho Fiscal - Podcast

A TSF e a Ordem dos Técnicos Oficiais de Contas (OTOC) abrem caminhos pelos labirintos do sistema fiscal português. A cada semana, na antena da TSF, a Ordem dos Técnicos Oficiais de Contas responde às dúvidas e ...

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Guardian Live Podcast

We are always looking for ways to amplify supporters' voices, hear your reflections on the big news stories of the moment, and connect our readers with our newsroom. We hope that this monthly podcast will enable us ...

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Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Rabbi Daniel Lapin reveals how the world REALLY works and reminds us that the more things change, the more we need to depend upon those things that never change. For more live and on-demands shows visit ...

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The GovTech Social Podcast

NSFG is about applied innovation in state, city, and county government. It focuses on things that may appear to be not safe for government but really only sound dangerous - and can put the good back into public ...

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Global Dispatches -- Conversations on Foreign Poli

The longest running independent international affairs podcast features in-depth interviews with policymakers, journalists and experts around the world who discuss global news, international relations, global ...

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Because News from CBC Radio

Because News is Canada's funniest news quiz. Host Gavin Crawford quizzes comedians and celebrities about the headlines.

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The Organic Stream

The Organic Stream Podcast is a talk show about organics recycling and soil management featuring experts and key figures in the environmental sphere.

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Hörsaal - DRadio Wissen

Fragen der Zeit. Was Forscher*innen über unser Leben herausfinden. Einblicke in die Wissenschaft. Neue Folgen immer donnerstags und freitags.

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CBN - André Trigueiro - Mundo Sustentável

Comentários do jornalista André Trigueiro sobre os desafios da sustentabilidade do planeta: aos sábados e domingos, no Revista CBN, às 13h50.

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NRK – Verdibørsen

Ideer og dilemmaer som utfordrer og gir deg nye tanker om samfunnet , vår historie og tiden vi lever i. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio

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NRK – Radiodokumentaren

Her samles podkastdokumentarer fra NRK. Journalistikk og lydopplevelser om mennesker og samfunn. Historier fra virkeligheten bygger videre på podkasten Radiodok. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio

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Litigation Quality Patent Podcast

The Litigation Quality Patents® Podcast, hosted by Craige Thompson (a.k.a., “The Examiner Whisperer”) contains substantive discussion designed to keep you current with what’s going on in the world of patents, ...

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RTHK?Global Perspective

Global Perspective is an annual series in which documentary makers from around the world (including RTHK) bring together stories that offer unique perspectives and thoughts on a single theme. This year's theme ...

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TSF - A Voz do Direito - Podcast

Na TSF, cinco juízes esclarecem aspectos práticos da aplicação do Direito: Direito de Família e Menores, Direito Penal e Processual Penal, cláusulas contratuais gerais, Direito Civil, direito sucessório, advogados, ...

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Intelekta MMC RTV Slo
en Intelekta


Torkovo dopoldne je rezervirano za soočenje različnih pogledov na aktualne dogodke, ki iz tedna v teden spreminjajo svet, pa tega velikokrat sploh ne opazimo. Gostje Intelekte so ugledni strokovnjaki iz ...

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Witness: Archive 2012

The story of our times told by the people who were there.

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NRK – Ekko - et aktuelt samfunnsprogram

Ekko er et samfunnsprogram som sendes mellom 9 og 11, mandag til fredag i NRK P2. To timer med samfunnsstoff, forskning, vitenskap og menneskemøter. Ekko gir deg radio som engasjerer, berører, gir innsikt og ...

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CBN - Globo News Painel

William Waack traz convidados com opiniões e enfoques diferentes, em um bate-papo de alto nível para debater o grande tema da semana. Sábado, às 23h.

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Special operations military news and straight talk with the guys in the community. Hosted by former military operators. As seen ranked #1 in Apple Podcasts government category.

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